Guest Blog: Seniors and Scams: What They Don’t Know Can Hurt Them


You probably never thought you’d see grandma surfing the net or your grandpa on online seniorsFacebook, but seniors are heading to the internet in record numbers. According to the Pew Institute, as of April 2012, more than half of adults over the age of 65 are now accessing the internet. This is the first time that research has shown this age bracket going over the 50 percent mark for internet usage.

The good news is that the internet has opened up a whole new world for seniors — especially for those who have restricted physical mobility. The bad news is that the internet can often resemble the lawless Wild West, with robbers and scam artists just waiting to ambush that beloved senior in your life. Unfortunately, unlike younger generations who have grown up with the internet and tend to be savvier about scams, seniors are often hitting the web with…

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